24 Sep September 2024 Reflection – Thomas Merkel SJ

New Beginnings


As I begin this role as President of the Gregorian University Foundation, I continue to learn about and recognize the reach and the success of our alumni in service of the universal and evangelical Church.

Having presided at a wedding in the St. James Chapel in Chicago, IL recently, I met with and prayed for Cardinal Blase Cupich, a two-time graduate of the Gregorian University. Shortly after that the Gregorian University Foundation held a successful meeting of its trustees in New York City.  Archbishop Gabriele Caccia, another two-time graduate of the Gregorian University and the Permanent Observer of the Holy See to the United Nations, was our special guest at dinner.  Soon, I will join a group of pilgrims on a journey to Rome to witness firsthand the great work of the leadership, faculty, and students at the Gregorian University.

Speaking of new beginnings, all Jesuit schools, including the Gregorian University, begin the academic year asking to be inspired by the Holy Spirit.  As you find new beginnings in your lives, I hope that you rely on the comfort, inspiration, and wisdom offered by the Holy Spirit.  

“Come Holy Spirit.  Fill the hearts of your faithful.  And, kindle in them the fire of your love.”



Thomas J. Merkel, SJ
President, Gregorian University Foundation