22 Jul July 2024 Reflection – Michael McFarland SJ


A New Beginning


Many people view change as a loss, focusing on what they had before and finding it difficult to let it go. But change can also bring renewal, especially in organizations. It can generate new life, new energy, new ideas and new relationships, which can help the organization grow and develop.

That is how I view our transition at the Gregorian University Foundation as I hand over the leadership to Fr. Tom Merkel, SJ. We are very fortunate to have Tom join the Foundation as President. He is well-qualified for the job, with extensive experience, in both management and fundraising, as the president of Creighton Prep in Omaha, the Superintendent of Schools at the Red Cloud Indian School and currently as Vice President for University Relations at Creighton University. He backs that up with an M.A. in Private School Administration from the University of San Francisco and an M.A. in Philanthropic Studies from the Lilly Family School of Philanthropy at Indiana University. I know he will bring new energy, new ideas and new procedures to help the work continue to grow. He adds to that a warm and engaging pastoral presence that has been much appreciated wherever he has been. Also, as a Midwest Jesuit, he will help the Foundation expand into new geographic areas and open up new networks of relationships it can build on.

It is not so easy to find a Jesuit with Tom’s impressive qualifications for a job like this. Jesuits like him are very much in demand among our institutions and elsewhere and have many attractive alternatives. It is an indication of the importance of the work of the Gregorian University as one of the top priorities of the Society of Jesus and the critical role of the Gregorian University Foundation in supporting that work that Tom’s Provincial made him available and encouraged him to take on the job. It is a credit to Tom’s generosity, freedom and love of the Society that he has embraced the challenge, which requires reorienting his plans, moving to a different part of the country, joining a new, unfamiliar community and adapting to a very different environment and set of demands on very short notice. Even more impressive is the way he has been willing to dive right into the work for the Gregorian, while at the same time continuing to satisfy previous commitments at Creighton and elsewhere.

I move on with a deep sense of gratitude, not only from knowing that I leave the organization in good hands, but also for the many gifts we have received during my time here. It has been a privilege working with the many talented and dedicated faculty, staff and students at the Gregorian University, who do so much for the Church, often at considerable sacrifice. This great work, begun by St. Ignatius himself, continues to carry on his legacy with admirable fidelity. We have a wonderful board who bring not only significant financial resources that they generously share, but also wide-ranging expertise, wisdom and passion for our mission. Their support has been a key to our success. We are blessed with a strong donor base as well. This is not to be taken for granted. It takes a special kind of person to be a donor to the Gregorian. They are motivated by a deep love of Christ in His Church, an appreciation of the unique, transformative quality of Jesuit education and the ability to think globally, beyond their local schools, parishes and dioceses. It is always uplifting to see their deep devotion, their kindness and their generous hearts. Our hard-working staff has been very good at reaching out, finding and connecting with these people, helping to raise the visibility of the Gregorian and to communicate the value of its mission. All of this is a product of God’s grace, Who alone can make our efforts fruitful. Seeing God’s presence and loving care in this work has been the greatest consolation. I am sure God will continue to bless Tom and his trustees and staff as they carry on this important mission, Ad Majorem Dei Gloriam, For The Greater Glory of God.

Michael C McFarland, SJ
President, Gregorian University Foundation