27 Aug August 2024 Reflection – Thomas Merkel SJ


God works in unexpected and surprising ways.

The pastor of St. Joseph’s Catholic Church in Milford, IA entered the sacristy of his parish while I was preparing to preside at a wedding.  

In our brief exchange, he asked me where I was from and I told him, “Omaha for now, but I’ll be moving to Washington DC to assume the position of President of the Gregorian University Foundation.  Fr. David Hemann told me that he attended the Gregorian University, and they were the best four years of his life.  Next, I researched the Bishop of Sioux City, so that I could pray for him by name in the Eucharistic Prayer.  Once again, I learned that Bishop Walker Nickless is a two-time graduate of the Gregorian University.

Two weeks later, again in preparation for a wedding in the Diocese of Duluth and wanting to pray for the bishop by name, I learned that Bishop Daniel J. Felton earned a licentiate in Sacred Theology and a master’s degree in social communications from the Gregorian University in Rome.

I am excited to build the universal, evangelical Catholic Church through serving at the Gregorian University Foundation.  I recognize that the work we do at the Gregorian University Foundation helps to shape the people who serve the Catholic Church and the world.

I look forward to the many surprises that God will show in the years to come.



Thomas J. Merkel, SJ
President, Gregorian University Foundation