01 Mar Colloquium 2025

The Gregorian University Foundation warmly invites you to a special Colloquium in celebration of the Holy Year Jubilee,  hosted in partnership with the Pontifical Gregorian University in the eternal city of Rome. 

Rooted in the Jesuit tradition of reflection, scholarship, and spiritual renewal, this event offers a unique opportunity to embrace  the Jubilee’s call to grace and transformation. As part of our journey, we will embark on a pilgrimage through each of the Holy  Doors in Rome, experiencing the profound symbolism of reconciliation and mercy at these sacred thresholds. 

Together, we will reflect on the themes that unite the Gregorian University’s Jesuit mission with the spirit of pilgrimage, walking  in the footsteps of countless faithful who have sought renewal and connection through this sacred tradition. 

Please consider joining us as we unite faith, learning and action in this transformative celebration of the Jubilee Year. Dates:

12 October – 19 October, 2025 
Location: Rome, Italy 

The Iconic Pantheon Hotel, a short walk from the Gregorian University and in the heart of historic Rome, provides 5-star  accommodations for participants during the Colloquium. We will have several activities including the following: we will  participate in the weekly Papal audience, receive a private tour of the Sistine Chapel and visit the rooms of St Ignatius at the  Gesù. We will spend time at the renowned Jesuit Schools of Higher Education in Rome – the Pontifical Gregorian University,  the Pontifical Biblical Institute, and the Pontifical Oriental Institute. Fr. Johan Verschueren SJ, Fr. General’s Delegate to the  Roman Works, will host Colloquium guests at a private reception on the rooftop of the Jesuit Curia with St Peter’s Basilica  providing a spectacular backdrop to the gathering.  

We will meet with professors and students of the schools and discover how their personal faith journeys have led them to teach  and study in Rome. In addition to events hosted by Fr. General and Fr. Delegate, the rectors, presidents and superiors will  invite us to join them for pranzo (lunch) in their community.  

There will also be ample opportunity to deepen our spiritual life. Daily Mass will be highlighted by a few special experiences:  attending Mass at a small chapel in St. Peter’s Basilica, Mass in the rooms of St. Ignatius, Mass at a small private chapel in the  Pantheon and visits to various Jubilee Holy Doors. These will be grace-filled moments to experience the ever-renewing power  of the Holy Spirit in our lives.  

The fee for the Colloquium is $10,000/single and $17,000/couple. A deposit of $5,000/single or $8,500/couple is requested to  secure your place. The fee includes all expenses for your time in Rome – accommodation, transportation to and from the  airport, local transportation during the Colloquium, meals and fees for tours, etc. Travel to and from Rome is covered by  participants.  

To keep the experience more personal, the Colloquium is limited to 25 people. Reservations will be accepted on a first-come,  first-served basis. For confirmation we need your Registration Form, complete with a deposit and a photocopy of the front page of your passport by June 1, 2025. For more information, please contact our Executive Director, Colleen Mudlaff, at  202-320-9788 or executivedirector@gregorianfoundation.org. 


We look forward to welcoming you on this extraordinary journey. 

In Christ,



Thomas J. Merkel, SJ
President, Gregorian University Foundation