01 Mar Colloquium 2025
The Gregorian University Foundation warmly invites you to a special Colloquium in celebration of the Holy Year Jubilee, hosted in partnership with the Pontifical Gregorian University in the eternal city of Rome....
The Gregorian University Foundation warmly invites you to a special Colloquium in celebration of the Holy Year Jubilee, hosted in partnership with the Pontifical Gregorian University in the eternal city of Rome....
At the Gregorian University Foundation, we are grateful for the privilege to honor and support the great work of the leadership, faculty, staff, students and alumni of the Gregorian University in support of the universal, evangelical Catholic Church....
She explained that she was a scholarship recipient and that her experience at the Gregorian University made all the difference in her life....
As you find new beginnings in your lives, I hope that you rely on the comfort, inspiration, and wisdom offered by the Holy Spirit. ...
I am excited to build the universal, evangelical Catholic Church through serving at the Gregorian University Foundation. I recognize that the work we do at the Gregorian University Foundation helps to shape the people who serve the Catholic Church and the world....
Many people view change as a loss, focusing on what they had before and finding it difficult to let it go. But change can also bring renewal, especially in organizations. It can generate new life, new energy, new ideas and new relationships, which can help...
It is that attitude that has allowed the Society of Jesus to be so agile and effective in taking on the most important and difficult missions, adapting to different cultures and environments and meeting the challenges of each new generation with creativity and openness....
Last Sunday, the feast of Pentecost, was the day the Society of Jesus chose for the initiation of the new, integrated Pontifical Gregorian University, which now includes the Pontifical Biblical Institute and the Pontifical Oriental Institute....
It is his resurrection, the conquest of sin and death leading to a new, glorified life, that allows us to see beyond all the suffering and loss we experience to the promise of a better future filled with light and joy in unending life. This...
The Gregorian University is both the fruit and the future of this great missionary tradition. As the “University of the Nations,” with students from 150 countries and an equally diverse faculty, it is a powerful representation of the universal, “catholic” Church....