Week 4 – Lenten Retreat

Directed by the Jesuits at the Gregorian University

Fourth Reflection:  Call of the King – Wednesday, March 17

Reflection Presenter: Fr. Pavulraj Michael



The current director of the Gregorian’s Institute of Spirituality is Fr. Pavulraj Michael, a member of the Madurai Province since 1984.  With advanced degrees in chemistry, philosophy, and theology, he completed a degree at the University of Comillas in Madrid and served as the novice director of his province before completing his doctorate and joining the faculty of the Gregorian.  He specializes in areas such as the theology of consecrated life and Ignatian Leadership.

Mass:  Fourth Sunday of Lent, March 14

Presider: Fr. Jacquineau Azétsop



The current dean of the faculty of Social Sciences entered the West Africa Province of the Society of Jesus in 1993.  A native of Cameroon, Fr. Jacquineau Azétsop studied in the USA at the Weston School of Theology, Johns Hopkins University, and Boston College before teaching at Hekima College, Nairobi; N’djaména University School of Health Sciences in Chad; and the Catholic University of Mozambique.  He joined his faculty at the Gregorian in 2014.