Pontifical Oriental Institute Alumnus: Fr Mark Morozowich

The Very Reverend Dr Mark Morozowich, a Ukrainian Catholic priest, grew up in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania.  He pursued a vocation to the priesthood in the Ukrainian Catholic Eparchy of St. Josaphat in Parma, Ohio and served in Pittsburgh and in Butler, Pennsylvania before beginning his licentiate and doctoral studies at the Pontifical Oriental Institute (PIO).  Presently he serves as the Dean of the School of Theology and Religious Studies at the Catholic University of America (CUA) in Washington, DC.


This alumnus received an S.E.O.D. (Doctorate in Eastern Christian Studies) and finished summa cum laude with a specialization in Liturgy.  His dissertation was titled “Holy Thursday in Jerusalem and Constantinople: The Liturgical Celebrations from the Fourth to Fourteenth Centuries.”


Fr Morozowich’s formation in liturgical studies prepared him well for his research that combines liturgical history and sacramental theology.  He focuses on various topics in the liturgical year, as well as penitential practices, and specialized issues in the Eastern Christian Mysteries (Sacraments).


Fr Morozowich remarked that the presence of Fr Robert Taft, S.J., Vice-Rector at the time, was the reason he chose to attend the PIO.  This world-renowned liturgical scholar made significant contributions to our understanding of the liturgy in general and wrote the history of liturgy in the east and the west. All are saddened by Fr Taft’s passing away earlier this month.


“As seminarians in the United States, we would read these articles by Fr Taft. His groundbreaking work was so fundamental for my formation. I was so happy to have the opportunity to listen to him lecture in Rome.  Later on, one of the fascinating things was [the way] he directed my dissertation. I remember how he corrected it with red ink all over it – he bled on it. He really taught me to write critically and I admired his dedication and hard work. One of the great joys of my experience in Rome was that Fr. Taft and I also became life-long friends.  He was a superb human being and he will be mourned.”


Fr Morozowich recounted his days as a student, “The challenge of studying in Italian was made easier by the fact that we could do our finals in various languages, including English. I really learned how to be proficient in many languages. During the break, I would switch from English to Ukraine to Italian depending on the various students present. We had the opportunity [to take] a wide variety of courses from liturgy to Islamic theology as part of the second cycle. It really gave me a good grounding.  Robert Taft’s methodology of liturgical historical study equipped me with the tools to be successful today. He not only focused on history, but also on theology, this approach helped us to understand both history and theology as one whole that represents the Christian tradition.”


Fr Taft continued to be a friend and mentor.  Fr Morozowich looked back fondly on the many times that he and Fr Taft had the opportunity to travel.  He especially appreciated their 2002 trip to Ukraine for the founding of the new Ukrainian Catholic University, a worthy cause for which Fr Taft raised funds in Rome and beyond.


“In 2006 Fr Taft and I organized the first ever meeting for the Society of Oriental Liturgy in Eichstädt, Germany, a society that we created together.  It continues to meet every two years, focusing on the scientific studies of Eastern Liturgies by convening interested liturgists in places including Rome, Greece, Lebanon, and Slovakia.”  Fr Morozowich has made life-long friends of both Eastern Catholics and non-Catholics and said, “now they take me throughout the world — Germany, Cyprus, India, Greece — all over!”


Currently, Fr Morozowich enjoys working with over 40 faculty members at CUA and devotes time to fundraising as he seeks to reimagine the future of theological education globally.  Among all these activities he continues his research and teaching using the tools from his studies at the PIO.


Fr. Morozowich remarks that “the PIO was always such a wonderful concept to have an Institute dedicated to Eastern Christianity.  It has a worldwide reputation for its renowned scholarship. This was the place [that helped] me grow and expand so that I could serve the Church more fully.” Fr Taft has left such a profound mark on so many alumni. He is already greatly missed.