The Gregorian University Foundation is pleased to announce that Rev. William M. Watson, S.J. has been appointed Vice President of the Foundation by the GUF Executive Committee. Fr. Arturo Sosa, Roman Delegate and General of the Society of Jesus and Fr Santarosa, Oregon Provincial, have approved Fr. Watson for the Vice President position at the Gregorian University Foundation effective immediately.
Fr. Watson’s position of Vice President of the Foundation is as an advancement officer with residence in Seattle. He will work closely with me, Foundation President, Fr. James McCann, S.J., Senior Vice President, the GUF board and the Rectors of the Pontifical Institutes in Rome (Gregorian University, the Biblical Institute and the Oriental Institute).
Previously Fr. Watson was founder and director of the Georgetown University Retreat Programs Office (1986-98), Vice President for Mission at Gonzaga University (1999-2004) and Provincial Assistant for International Ministries for the Oregon Province (2005-9). Currently, Fr. Watson is President and Founder of the Ignatian Apostolate, Sacred Story Institute based in Seattle, Washington. Fr. Watson received his Doctorate in Ministry from The Catholic University of America in 2005.
On behalf of the Gregorian University Foundation Executive Committee, I would like to express my gratitude for Fr. Watson’s openness to continue helping the Foundation and its most important work of fundraising in service to the Jesuit Consortium Institutions of higher learning in Rome. The Foundation serves the universal Society of Jesus with the goal that our collaborative efforts enhance the mission given to us by the Holy Father in service to the universal Church.